In 1940 Jesús Boj started with the activity in the paper and cardboard recovery business. Twenty years later his son Luis Boj is put in charge of the business in the new locations in Congres district of Barcelona

In the 70s a new warehouse is built in Montcada i Reixac.

In 1991 Marta and Lluí­s Boj take over the company, focusing the business into more quality papers and global waste management. They begin with the process of modernization of the company, providing employees with cutting-edge machinery to respond to the needs of the business, with the aim of offering companies a quality service and a search for new technologies to give value to the waste that otherwise would end up in the landfill.

Our targets are to provide a close and professional service, putting the best human and technical resources at the service of our clients ensuring the safety and health of our workers and respecting the environment.


We have 4,500 m2 of business premises divided in production, storage and parking area for trucks and containers.

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