<span id="paperandcardboard"> </span> <h1>Waste types handled</h1>

Paper and cardboard

Paper and cardboard is our main business activity.

In our premises, we classify the different sorts of paper that are produced by printers, publishers, handlers, logistics, etc.

After, the material is shred and baled it’s ready to be sold to different paper and cardboard national and international manufacturers.


We classify and compress different sorts of plastic materials (polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, PET, etc.) to later be used as raw material for the manufacturing of new products.


Metals and iron

We classify all sorts of scrap, ferrous and non-ferrous and the further transport to processing plants for the steel industry.



We buy and sell used pallets.

We classify and value the wood and take it to different grinding plants to be used to be in chipboard and biomass industry.





We classify glass and further take it to recycle plants and glass production manufacturers

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